Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? Fire away! If we don’t answer any of them below, then please contact us or give us a call. We would be happy to answer it for you.

Q: What sets you apart from others?

A: We stand out for several reasons. We approach buying your home differently from everyone else and start by LISTENING TO YOU. We want to know, not just why you are selling, but what your goals are and how selling the house will help you reach them. Your situation is as unique as you are. Everyone else will just look at the numbers, throw you an offer and move on. We think YOU are the most important piece of the home buying puzzle and that’s why we start with YOU and your goals, not just the house. We have the ability to do more than just throw out an offer. We have the ability to be as flexible and understanding as you need. So, it doesn’t matter if you need to sell quickly or slowly to time out a move, or if you’re in the Kansas City area or inherited a home here, or even if your home is worth less than you owe on it, we can still help!

We want to approach buying your home the same way we would as a friend or a family member. Our goal with your home is to help create a scenario that is a win-win for everyone involved and for everyone to leave as friends. These factors reflect our unwavering dedication to maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct.

Q: Will you list my house on the MLS, or do you buy it directly?

A: We are actual local cash buyers right here in Kansas City. We purchase houses that meet specific criteria. We also manage rental portfolios, collaborate with fellow investors, and assist first-time homebuyers.

Q: Do you offer fair prices for properties?

A: Absolutely. Our approach revolves around fostering mutually beneficial transactions to enhance our communities. Our offers are based on a thorough analysis of comparable property sales in similar conditions. We also offer multiple options on ways to purchase your home, so you’ll have the ability to select the option that fits your goals the best.

Q: How do you determine the price you’ll offer for my house?

A: We’re here in Kansas City and we believe we have an obligation to improve our city given this opportunity. We carefully assess the property’s location in town, its condition, and the sales of similar properties to come up with an offer that will benefit everyone involved. Once you reach out, you’ll see why we’re really in the business of helping people reach their goals and not just “selling their home.”

Q: Is there any obligation when I submit my information?

A: None whatsoever. We’re here to provide you with information and guide you through your options. The ultimate decision rests entirely with you, your family, and your specific timeline.

Q: Are there any fees or commissions associated with working with you?

A: No. When we make an offer, we cover all the closing costs, document fees, and even the title company’s expenses. Rest assured, this will all be outlined in your Purchase & Sale Agreement. We aim to make the process as straightforward and hassle-free as possible for you.

Q: “Should I sell my house without a realtor?”

A: If you’d benefit from working with a real estate agent, honestly, we’ll tell you! We work with real estate agents all the time and using one could be a great idea, but it really all comes down to your situation. If you’re looking for a quick sale, or if the house isn’t in “on the market” condition, or if you have little equity in the home, then using a realtor probably isn’t the way to go. Real estate agents will put your house on the MLS (think Zillow) where it will take a longer amount of time to sell and, both the bank and the person buying the house, will typically demand everything be fixed up before the close of the sale. So this means pricey renovations, pricey commissions, and longer timelines. At Liberty Road Homes, we’ll buy your Kansas City house fast, without commission fees and we’ll never ask you to fix or clean anything before buying your home.

Want To See What We Can Do For You?

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What does “as-is” mean?

We buy your Kansas City home as-is, meaning you don’t have to worry about doing repairs, fixing your home up, or getting it ready for showings. We’ll handle all repairs, inspections, and more after we purchase your home. We factor this into our offer, of course, but it saves you the money and the headache associated with getting your home ready to sell.

What does an “all-cash offer” mean?

“All-cash” means exactly that – all cash for your Kansas City home! Because we are local homebuyers who are purchasing your home directly, we don’t rely on traditional financing like retail homebuyers. When you sell to us, there’s no risk of the financing falling through, or closing being delayed. When we make you an offer, that’s the full amount you’ll receive at closing.

How fast is a fast closing?

After you send us information about your home, we can make you a no-obligation, fair all-cash offer in as little as 24 hours. Once you accept, we close at a local, reputable title company in as little as 7 days. Compare that to the 30+ days it can take to close when listing your house the traditional way, and the benefits are obvious!

What if I don’t need a fast closing?

At Liberty Road Homes, we work on your time frame. If you don’t need a fast closing due to the need to make arrangements, explore your future options, etc., we will schedule the closing on the day that works best for YOU!

Will I get a lowball offer?

Our goal is to provide you with the fairest offer possible. Unlike other buyers or big tech giants, we’re transparent with how we arrive at an offer amount. What we offer is based on what the value of the property may be once we make the necessary improvements and upgrades. We’re entirely transparent with this offer process and happy to walk you through how it works.

Learn The Pros and Cons Of Selling Your House To A Local Professional Home Buyer – Your FREE Guide: 

sell your Missouri property quickly with our home buyer program

Download our FREE Guide here and contact us anytime with questions or if you would like a no-hassle Situation Evaluation. Learn more about how we help Kansas City homeowners sell their unwanted properties for cash.

Get your FREE Guide and then give us a call at (816) 290-7004. We would love to discuss what your home is worth and what we can offer to buy it with our Cash Offer Program.